It’s about expectations…

What does good customer service look like? What does it mean?

There are as many answers to this as there are people thinking about it. 

Same with bad customer service, if you want to think about it that way. 

Some things are obvious. I’ll categorize these as “don’t be blatantly terrible.”

Ignoring customers, being distracted, being incompetent, being rude, not doing what you said you’d do…

That’s about all the time I’m going to devote to these obvious things.

Everyone would agree on these. 

But there’s one glaring omission most people miss. Something they don’t even think of as “bad customer service.”

Making people talk to customer service at all.

Obviously this is a lofty goal, and of course there will be instances where customer service is necessary. 

But so many businesses act like good customer service begins when the customer talks to customer service about a problem. 

They act like customers having problems and contacting customer service about them is inevitable. 

And it is… for a very small subset of your customers, rarely. 

If large percentages of your customers are contacting customer service frequently, you’ve got a problem. 

Good customer service begins with making sure most people never need to contact customer service. 

Easier said than done?

For sure. 

That’s why I created the this:

— Mark

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