The ONE thing that fixes almost EVERY customer service problem…
You signed up for this list for 80/20. So here it is.
ONE thing that you can start doing right now in your business that will DRASTICALLY improve your customer service and customer satisfaction.
Move faster.
Think about it. What do you, personally, hate the most when you have to contact a company’s customer service department?
How LONG it takes.
The hold time. The silly music. The machine voice reading irrelevant prompts. Verifying a bunch of nonsense with a script reading NPC before he’ll talk to you. Trying a bunch of shit you already tried so he can check it off his checklist. Waiting for him to get permission from his boss…
Almost ALL customer service problems can be reduced to a problem of SPEED.
Hey, I can’t seem to log into the website.
OK, I’ve reset your password, try now.
It works, thanks!
Nothing sexy. No “on brand corporate messages.” No silly music or commercials for other products. Just results. Fast.
One of the BIGGEST issues I have with conventional customer service is the complexity!
It takes forever to do anything because of the complexity, and the complexity is allowed to exist at all because companies tolerate it taking so long to get things done.
If you needed an answer to your question NOW, you wouldn’t have time to have 14 meetings about it. Nobody would have time to make a PowerPoint slide. You wouldn’t put together a committee to research the best AI chatbot software to see if that might maybe could solve your problem.
You’d come up with something, quick and dirty if necessary, and adapt course as you go.
This is what I LOVE about working with small businesses and entrepreneurs. Something needs to happen, so it happens.
Big companies and their redundant layers of management all want to “do something” when in reality they should be doing nothing.
Going back to 80/20, one of the best ways I know of to speed things up drastically is to put as many routine decisions as possible into the capable hands of your capable agents.
This sounds intimidating to the uninitiated, but with the right system, it’s easy, effective and profitable.
Get that system for your small business here, or email me about how I can help.
— Mark
P.S. I came up with the idea for this email, wrote it, loaded it into MailChimp, and fired it off in about 15 minutes.
Money loves speed.