And what you should REALLY be concerned about…

As many of you know, I do a daily video answer to question on Quora. What you may not know is how much time it sometimes takes to find a decent question to answer in the various customer service categories.

People ask all sorts of things, but there are some similarities. One thing I see all the time? People asking how to “file a complaint” about some customer or customer service agent.

Maybe you have some of these in your business. Like an online hate mob who found someone saying things they disagree with, they’re out for BLOOD.

It’s not enough that they don’t buy, that they cancel their subscription, that they scream and yell and say rude things, they want someone FIRED. They want your company to be DESTROYED.

(If you know what you’re doing, it’s easy and fun to use jiu jitsu to redirect this hateful energy to put more money in your pocket. But that’s another email.)

Sounds scary. And nobody likes dealing with one of these beasts.

But as big and loud as they seem, there’s something much worse out there. A silent enemy that you may not even know is there

The difference is that between a representative political system, and a free market system.

Under politics, the only way to get things done, to get your way, is to convince others to agree with you. This could be elected officials, bosses at work, or a large enough group of other voters.

People do this various ways. Campaigns, protests, even blatant bribery (sometimes disguised as “lobbying.”)

But the point is, the desired result is outside the personal influence of the person who wants it. Someone else has to give them what they want.

This is your complainy customer. He wants a refund. Or he wants a random woman with a family in the Philippines making $110 a week fired and rendered unemployable.

Or he wants your company to shut down. You put in jail. (Not to get too meta here, but they often turn to actual politicians to do their bidding in these situations.)

These people are loud and annoying, but usually harmless, if not profitable sources of marketing material.

The danger I’m talking about today is the other camp of dissatisfied customers. The ones you don’t hear from.

Or if you do, it’s just a simple “please cancel my service” email.

They have no interest in telling you why they’re leaving. They have no interest in writing bad reviews, ruining the life of a nice woman in Asia, or having anyone put in a cage.

They just aren’t happy with your business and they’re voting with their feet. By walking out the metaphorical door. Cancelling service and never doing business with you again.

Hopefully their numbers are small. Hopefully they aren’t doing much financial damage.

But because they’re so quiet, you might not realize the problem until its too late.

What’s the fix?

There’s no simple one, but here’s a simple one.

Do everything right in your business.

Attract the right kinds of customers. Give them what you promise, and more. Anticipate and prevent common problems and questions before they happen. Provide a quality product.

And in the rare chance that someone needs to contact you about an issue, don’t put them through NPC hell.

Simple, but not easy. I know.

The good news is that this stuff can be learned. There is a system.

And I lay it all out right here:

— Mark

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