An hour a day is pushing it…
Customer service should NOT be a full time job. Not if you do it right.
And this is coming from someone who has spent years with customer service as my full time job.
Fact is, most customer issues are easily solved. They’re even more easily prevented.
And very few are truly URGENT.
The 80/20 system revolves around prevention. This takes work up front (more on that tomorrow), but after that, it’s smooth sailing.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t check in on things throughout the day. Or have a full time person doing it. That’s probably a good idea after a certain point.
What I’m saying is that this person should NOT be busy.
They’re there to handle things when/if they go wrong. NOT to answer mindless repetitive questions all day.
Keep things simple, build your business right, focus on prevention, and watch the customer service time suck melt away.
— Mark