It’s WHERE you spend your time that matters…

I know… yesterday I said it shouldn’t take more than an hour a day.

And I mean that. 

But before you get to that point, you need to do some work. 

You need to see exactly what your customer are contacting you about. What problems do they have? What can they not do for themselves?

And you need to figure out how to prevent as many of these issues from happening. 

Don’t fall into the temptation to look for quick fixes. Covering the thing with bandaids only makes it worse. And more likely to fail in the future. 

Instead, look at root causes. 80/20.

What one change, made today, would prevent all of this from ever happening again?

This process can take time, especially if you have old, established habits to wade through. 

Spend that time wisely once so you don’t have to waste it every day your company continues to operate.

I get a lot more specific on how to do that here:

— Mark

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