Sort of…

A few years ago, I decided I wanted to get into Marketing. I had been studying influence and human behavior, and I wanted to apply it in the real world.

I had also been learning from a then-guru named James Altucher. And it just so happened, Altucher’s company had an office here in Denver.

AND They were hiring for a marketing position.

So I sat down, focused, and banged out my best job application to date. Sent if off, and didn’t really expect to hear anything.

I was wrong.

I heard back right away, and they brought me in for the interview.

I don’t remember the details of the marketing position, but that didn’t matter.

Sitting down and talking about my experience, including my (then) complete lack of marketing background, we came up with a better idea.

Instead of doing simple, low level marketing tasks, I was hired to run the then failing customer service department.

I gladly took the job, despite not really knowing what I was doing, and the rest is history.

I turned customer service into a low maintenance profit center.

I worked alongside some of the best marketers in the business, and learned the best way possible. I saw what worked, what didn’t, and learned the ins and outs of how a small, profitable business really works.

Why am I telling you this story today?

Because of one simple fact.

This company didn’t realize they needed someone to run customer service. It was working “well enough,” and they were focused on “higher value” activities like selling products.

A quick conversation with me changed all that, and set that company up to have one of the best customer experiences in an industry that isn’t exactly known for it.

Nobody would have ever said “we need a smart guy to run customer service and make it profitable.”

But once the idea came to light, the conclusions were inescapable.

This is the kind of thing every business needs, but doesn’t realize it.

That’s why I’m sending this email today.

I have a bit of space in my schedule, and I’m looking to take on new clients.

What do you get?

  • Customer service, handled. Never think about it again unless you want to
  • Customer retention, led by an experienced expert (me)
  • Management of remote agents, if you have them
  • The ability to find and bring in agents if you don’t
  • Chargeback management and prevention
  • Targeted customer service offers and campaigns to bring in profit
  • An expert on call to identify and fix sources of common problems, because the best customer complaint is the one that never happens
  • Many more customized solutions based on your specific business.

How much does this cost?

That depends on the extent of what I’ll be doing for you, but my rates are quite reasonable.

This website is called 80/20 Service for a reason. I’ve identified ways to make this stuff streamlined and efficient. That means I can get more done in less time and apply these skills at scale.

How do I get started?

Just reply to this email or Contact Me, and we’ll arrange a time to discuss this further.

Should I wait?

NO! This opening in my schedule is expected to fill in fast. As much as I’d like to help everyone, I’m only one man.

What if I don’t need this right now?

Do me a favor and forward this email to someone you know who might. You’ll get a sweet referral bonus from me if they become a client.

— Mark

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