Customer service for the future…

I’ve written and talked a lot about keeping customer service simple. Making it profitable. Preventing problems before they happen.

I’ve recorded hours of video on the subject on Quora and Youtube. I’ve written dozens of posts and emails here. I’ve even released two comprehensive guides.

And I’m not going to lie, everything you need to get this stuff right is available between all that content.

But no matter how much I talk about it, no matter how simple I make it, there IS still going to be some work required.

There is a learning curve to master, even if it is a small one.

If you have the time and the inclination, it is ABSOLUTELY worth the time to do this.

But I called this website 80/20 Service for the reason. True, it’s about doing the few things that matter most.

But it’s also about deploying your resources in the most effective way possible. This includes your time and mental energy.

You’re running a profitable business. You’re making money, selling products, and working towards the future.

Now you have to master a new system of customer service also? Doesn’t seem all that important, does it?

Don’t worry, I’m not upset about this. Instead, I’d like to help.

If you’re serious, I’d like to give you the best of both worlds.

What if you could never think about customer service again, AND know with certainty that everything’s being handled in the best way possible?

What if you could glance at a simple report, see that everything’s good, profits are still flowing in, and go back to the more important tasks on your agenda?

What if you could have the benefit of my years of experience and experimentation? What if all this could be implemented in just a few days?

That’s why I’m emailing you today.

I’m opening up a few spaces for new customer service management clients.

You hear from me as much, or as little, as you want. I take care of all the details.

  • Managing agents and outsourcers
  • Writing and maintaining email templates
  • Making decisions agents can’t handle
  • Training agents to handle most decisions, correctly, on their own
  • Implementing chargeback and refund prevention from the ground up
  • and much more.

But I understand every business is different…

There’s no “one size fits all” solution. That’s why conventional “Outsourcing” businesses get wrong.

They try to cram your business into a cookie cutter model, making it the same as everyone else. Average.

That’s why I’m limiting the number of clients I can work with. This isn’t some massive economies of scale machine.

Systems are great, but getting customer service right also requires a personal touch. That’s my specialty.

Get the benefit of my experience in your business.

Never think about customer service again, unless you want to.

Email me, tell me a bit about your business, and we’ll discuss how I can help.

— Mark

P.S. Not sure yet? Still have questions? Email me.

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