Yes, like dogs…

Customer service people love to complain about bad customers. I’ve been guilty of it myself. 

And sure, it can be fun to share bizarre battle stories. 

Like the guy who left a voicemail of himself having sex with someone.

Or the guy who called from jail, guilty of cutting his wife’s head off. 

And these are obviously crazy one off scenarios. 

But there are also the more mundane ones. The ones you forget about after a couple days or hours. 

The regular, run of the mill bad customers. Spewing insults. Making ridiculous demands. 

The more common stuff. 

And no matter what you do, some of this is inevitable. 

Some people are crazy. Others are A-holes. Some have their own things going on. Or whatever.

But for the most part, and some of you aren’t going to like this, bad customers are our fault

Some customers are born bad, sure. But most aren’t. 

Most are more of a blank slate, poised to go good or bad, depending on what you do to them. 

How you treat them. 

The expectations you set. 

How you train them to behave. 

The 80/20 Service system depends on keeping things as simple as possible. Preventing problems before they happen. 

When you do this right, most customers will have no reason to “turn bad.”

They’ll have no reason to contact you at all, other than to thank you for being so great. (Yes, this does happen.)

The 80/20 Service Guide shows you how to get it right. 

How to “train” your customers to act right. 

To buy from you, happily, again and again, without complaint.

And subscribers to this list can get it half off here:

— Mark

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