And why it’s bad for business…

Not actually assaulting them. The downsides there are fairly obvious.

Most of you know that I regularly answer customer service questions on Quora. And there have been some good ones.

But I also see a lot of garbage, throwaway questions there.

One of the most common themes? Assaulting or insulting customers.

“Should customer service agents be allowed to punch 1 customer a day?”

“What would you say to your customers if you could get away with it?”

“Has a customer ever attacked you?”

On and on with this. You’d think providing customer service was the front line of some bloody war.

Clearly something is wrong.

Customers hate contacting customer service. Businesses hate thinking about (or spending money on) customer service. Employees hate working in customer service.

Everyone’s thinking about who they’re going to punch, or what they’re going to say the guy’s mother smells like.

I seem to be one of the only ones asking why we let it get this bad.

Most businesses don’t do this. They go right on down the old, punchable route.

But the people on this list, the people reading this today, know better.

They’ll be the ones to win going forward.

Or at least avoid getting punched in the face.

— Mark

P.S.  Need some help with this stuff?

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